
A whole new world of CX awaits at the busiest international hubs: airports

Written by Neticle | Nov 19, 2021 1:08:26 PM

The daily operation of an airport is a complicated process, with many departments and even more passengers. Feedback comes in what seems like a flow of Babelian chatter, but there are ways to easily make sense of it. Find out exactly what travelers appreciate, or what they want less of.

An airport is much more than a place where people get on and off airplanes: it is an international meeting point, and also a hub of opinions. There is a huge flow of passengers coming through every day, with different destinations and travel goals. Some come for short business trips and are likely to stay at airport hotels, while others might stay for long vacations, and need good connections to the city or to other modes of transport.



There are tons of customer touchpoints along the way.

Besides the online platforms necessary for gathering information and checking in, passengers are likely to check out the duty-free shops, the lounge areas, the restaurants and cafeterias. But there are also lots of other services they might need, like luggage drop-off and pickup, ordering taxis, parking, and so on. Since the waiting times between two flights might even be several hours long, many airports also provide showers, play areas for children, prayer rooms, a medical center and other facilities to make the journey more comfortable.


Providing this many services for people of all different cultures and nationalities is no small task, especially since airports also have to handle a greater security risk due to the nature of international air travel. Keeping your passengers satisfied means maintaining a high level of professionalism across all these areas, and that cannot be done without support from CX research. Even a relatively small negative event during the course of travel can leave a mark and an overall unfavorable opinion might form, so it’s crucial to uncover these sensitive points.


Passengers will give airports unsolicited feedback in many languages and through many channels: not only through the airports’ own website and the main social media platforms, but also on popular online review sites like TripAdvisor or Google Places.

However, the full 360-degree view of customer opinions can only be discovered when regular surveys are also sent out to passengers, completing our understanding of the customer experience. With them, passengers will also feel that the airport cares about their personal comfort and convenience.


An all-round CX tool like ensures you don’t miss the details of the international conversation

How can help you make sense of such a huge amount of information, and save you from having to read pieces of feedback one by one? The secret is the tool’s built-in text analysis: once you connect your data sources to – such as surveys and apps, email, chat, CRM, and social media – it goes to work and recognizes topics, sentiments, and emotions with human precision in 26 languages.

Results are displayed on a flexible dashboard that has easy-to-understand charts. You can drill down on each to see what exactly is behind the numbers (so you can still read the actual feedback if you want to.) Sensitive data can be automatically hidden: all of the analysis is GDPR compliant.


Find out about your strengths, and where your departments need to improve

How can you develop all of your departments while making sure good things don’t get lost? clearly displays both the positives and negatives, so that love points become just as clear as pain points.

If you’re expecting feedback on very specific topics,’s analysts will help you create a system of custom labels on the dashboard, so that results are categorized exactly the way you need them. Keep your passengers at the center while letting each department know what they should keep doing and what they should change.


Have more questions? Contact us and we’ll get back to you within the duration of a transatlantic flight!