A survey with superpowers holds the team together
Keeping employee satisfaction high is important at all times, however, it isn’t always easy. Even so, showing your employees that you care is essential if you want to build a company that people enjoy working for. This case study tells you how Neticle harnessed the power of its own smart survey tool, Zurvey.io to regularly check and improve on employees’ wellbeing during the pandemic, when the whole team had to switch to remote work.
When you’re not sitting in the office next to your colleagues, but spending every day at your desk at home instead, staying focused and involved with work can be challenging. You might feel isolated, because Information spreads more slowly, or your work-life balance might go off. With a biweekly questionnaire, Neticle’s HR department made sure to avoid as many of these obstacles as possible, and change routines to fit the new normal.
Read the case study if you want to know…
- how automated text analysis makes it possible to immediately present results to management;
- what Neticle’s best practices are for keeping the questionnaire in line with what’s going on in the lives of employees;
- additional tips on improving cohesion even when your colleagues are hundreds of kilometers away.

Get a free copy of the case study
“I love working with Zurvey.io, it instantly gives me a clear overview of our customers’ feedback. Neticle’s expert analyses save the Market Research Department significant amounts of time, since they give us sharp, definite recommendations about the areas we need to improve. We integrate these into our strategic decisions in order to further improve our customers’ shopping experience.”
“As a CX leader, I thrive in collecting, analysing and extracting insights from customer feedback. Neticle, with their advanced technology and customer centricity, have been instrumentation in our efforts to harness the power of unsolicited (text) feedback – a source of insights that is continuously increasing in importance as we digitize our customer journeys.”
"Zurvey.io has an intuitive GUI and nice graph-type visualization of topics and sentiments that help better understand customer surveys and messages on a larger set of data, e.g correlating sentiments, name entities, locations, and verbs. It supports almost all European languages handles negations, double negations as well."