Take a plunge with Budapest Bank into a new insight pool
Case Study
Budapest Bank have been keeping a close eye on customer satisfaction for a long time: with the help of a tracking survey, they are asking clients every month about experience with the bank’s services, continuously learning from feedback. However, coding survey answers has always taken them longer than they would have liked, so they decided to find a better, digital solution to upgrade their CX research. Based on the tender they had put out in 2019, Budapest Bank started cooperating with Neticle in January 2020. Neticle’s customer satisfaction management tool Zurvey.io is at the heart of the cooperation, with the results integrated into Microsoft Power BI.
The tracking survey that Budapest Bank uses to measure client satisfaction is sent out to thousands of customers every month via eDM – the recipients are statistically representative of the bank’s whole clientele. Roughly 1000 answers are collected monthly, which used to mean that a mid-senior colleague and a few interns would work on coding every month for 2 whole days, adding up to more than 40 working hours.
Read the case study if you want to know…
- how saving these working hours is possible with automated feedback analysis;
- how Natural Language Processing helps the understanding;
- how Zurvey.io's Power BI integration supports precise KPI tracking of customer experience.

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“I love working with Zurvey.io, it instantly gives me a clear overview of our customers’ feedback. Neticle’s expert analyses save the Market Research Department significant amounts of time, since they give us sharp, definite recommendations about the areas we need to improve. We integrate these into our strategic decisions in order to further improve our customers’ shopping experience.”
“As a CX leader, I thrive in collecting, analysing and extracting insights from customer feedback. Neticle, with their advanced technology and customer centricity, have been instrumentation in our efforts to harness the power of unsolicited (text) feedback – a source of insights that is continuously increasing in importance as we digitize our customer journeys.”
"Zurvey.io has an intuitive GUI and nice graph-type visualization of topics and sentiments that help better understand customer surveys and messages on a larger set of data, e.g correlating sentiments, name entities, locations, and verbs. It supports almost all European languages handles negations, double negations as well."