Introducing Event-Triggered Customer Surveys

Posted on 4 min.

We at know that to get real customer insights, it is not enough to ask the right questions, they should also be asked at the right time. That's why we're thrilled to announce our event-triggered surveys.

Starting today, you can trigger embedded CX surveys at specific points across the customer journey to gather more relevant feedback and improve your product or service. More importantly, you can do this in an easy and comfortable way with our low code solution.


How does it work?

In general, event triggers let you display surveys when users take a specific action or when they reach a particular state using your website, web app or mobile application.

That's why they are particularly useful in measuring the impacts of certain operational processes or interactions on customer satisfaction.

Let's say that as a travel search site focusing on hotels, you would like to cover all the milestones of the customer journey concerning search, booking and even payment. Using event-triggered microsurveys, you can immediately ask for feedback after every milestone. Applying predefined question templates like CES, CSAT or NPS, you can get information about:

  • how easy or difficult it was to find the desired location,
  • how satisfied the user was with a new booking feature,
  • how the overall satisfaction is using the whole service.

The application of event-triggered microsurveys not only results in more relevant, targeted feedback, it also increases the amount of responses you will get. Users are much more likely to provide feedback on their actions taken recently.


One time installation

As a first step to launching embedded surveys, you have to install the tracking code into your website. Don't be afraid, no coding is required for this and if you don't have access to the website, you can send the instructions to the website administrator with one click.

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Always on-brand

We know that every customer journey is different, that's why we do not limit the types of surveys you can embed with You can display CES, CSAT, NPS, 5-star, scale, free text, or any question available in our builder in any combination.

Rich customization options are also available, so you can provide an always on-brand experience. Of course, any changes applied during customization become visible in the embedded survey as well.

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Rich trigger options

Users interact with a website or application in many ways, and any of these interactions might be just the right opportunity to ask for feedback. We translated these interactions as trigger events. What type of events can you track?

Pretty much everything.

You can choose from predefined events based on user behavior like exit intent or scroll progress, etc., or you can define custom Javascript events, for example when a payment process closes successfully.

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Target the users who matter the most

Targeting users is a useful tool for collecting feedback from a representative sample, or firing surveys at visitors based on their device, operating system or browser. You can make targeting even more sophisticated by applying different variables from cookies or Google Tag Manager.

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Realistic preview

When you’re done setting up your embedded survey, you can check how it is going to look on the website, true to the end product. Just insert the URL into the preview popup and test

your embed safely without publishing it.

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Would you also like to ask your customers for feedback after important milestones? Click here & book a free demo to see how works live, and ask any questions you may have left.



Book a demo

We know that a significant portion of the success of your research depends on choosing the right survey tool. You don’t have to just take our word for the benefits of using, you can watch it in action instead.Book a demo and one of our Insights Managers will contact you as soon as possible. Take the first step towards ditching manual coding and a whole new world of enhancing CX!

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Photo of Péter Szekeres

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO +36 70 701 6488

41 Leonardo da Vinci street ground floor
Budapest Hungary H-1082

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