Scan & share feedback: QR codes have arrived to

Posted on 4 min.

Place the codes in your stores and watch how critical survey responses start coming in. Read on to learn how to use this new feature.

When your customers are visiting your stores or branches, it’s a great time to ask them for feedback, since the experience they’ve had with your brand is still fresh in their minds. An easy way to do that is by placing a QR code near the exit, where they can directly access your survey and rate the encounter. But of course this isn’t the only location worth placing a QR code at: you can insert them almost anywhere within the flow of customer service. Here are a few examples:

  • on contracts,
  • in the waiting room,
  • on shelves inside your stores,
  • on or inside vehicles (especially if you have a car sharing service),
  • at the counter,
  • at the bar,
  • on restaurant tables…

...and we’re sure you can come up with many more.


This new feature has just been added to you can find it on the publish page, among the sharing options. If there are no URL parameters added to your survey, the use of this feature is super simple: the QR code is generated immediately, and it can be downloaded as a PNG.



Using the feature with URL parameters

If URL parameters have been added to your survey, the QR code generation process is slightly more complex, since we need to make sure that all the necessary information is included in the QR codes as well. A common example of when this is useful is identifying feedback for individual branches, or the assistants working in them. The QR codes at each location will lead to the same survey, but you’ll be able to identify for which employee the feedback was meant.


To manage this, you need to upload the values of the URL parameters using the predefined template provided on the publish page. This will already include the parameter names.



Képernyőfotó 2023-05-16 - 10.41.18Once the URL parameter values have been added to the template, upload the template, check the values, and change the header row if necessary.


When you’re happy with everything, start the code generation. will create different QR code versions for each input value, and you’ll be able to download them in a compressed archive. In case of multilanguage surveys, also generates separate QR codes for each language.


Don’t worry, the file names always indicate the survey name, the parameter value and the language, which makes it easy to distinguish between the different QR codes.


Get started!

Ready to start placing your QR codes in your stores? Check your existing surveys’ publish page, the feature is already there!


Not a client yet?


Book a demo and see how it works!



Book a demo

We know that a significant portion of the success of your research depends on choosing the right survey tool. You don’t have to just take our word for the benefits of using, you can watch it in action instead.Book a demo and one of our Insights Managers will contact you as soon as possible. Take the first step towards ditching manual coding and a whole new world of enhancing CX!

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Photo of Péter Szekeres

Péter Szekeres

Co-founder & CEO +36 70 701 6488

41 Leonardo da Vinci street ground floor
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